Tone Tag / Indicator List
What are tone tags/indicators?
Tone tags/indicators are short text at the end of a message to let the reader know how the message is meant to be read, clear up any misunderstanding, or simply tell what the tone is.
The tag is separated from the message it is indicating by a slash /
Tone tags are especially useful for neurodivergent folk, as they can have a harder time understanding and reading tone through text, as apposed to someone who is neurotypical and may have an easier time.
(not all ND folk have trouble with reading tone, and not all NT folk understand and read tone well)
No one is expecting you to remember the full list. Thats part of why it is here!
It’s okay to ask for a reminder on what a tag means, and it’s also okay to accidentally overlook a tag (as long as you acknowledge the mistake).
(in alphabetical/ABC order, with meanings)
Tag (s) | Meaning |
/! | excited |
/a | alterous |
/ao | an order |
/av | a vent |
/ay | at you |
/br | bragging (see also: /fx) |
/c | copypasta |
/calm | calm / calmly |
/cb | clickbait |
/cel | celebratory |
/co or /cf | comforting |
/curi | curious/curiously |
/f | fake |
/fam | familial |
/fl | flirting |
/fx | flex (see also: /br) |
/g or /gen | genuine |
/gentle | gentle / gently |
/gq or /genq | genuine question |
/gs or /gens | genuine suggestion |
/hj | half joking |
/hyp | hyperbole |
/info | information or informing |
/irre | irrelevant |
/j | joke or joking |
/jk | just kidding |
/jw | just wondering |
/lh | light hearted |
/li | literally |
/l or /ly or /lyr | lyrics |
/lu | little upset |
/m | metaphorically / metaphor |
/nabr | not a brag (see also: /nafx) |
/nfl | not flirting |
/nafx | not a flex (see also: /nabr) |
/nao | not an order |
/naq | not a question (see also: /st or /state) |
/nav | not a vent |
/nay | not at you |
/nbh | nobody here |
/nbr | not being rude |
/neg or /nc | negative connotation |
/neu | neutral connotation |
/nf | not fake |
/nfl or | not flirting |
/nm | not mad |
/nmay | not mad at you, to specify that someone isnt mad at someone else |
/npa | not passive aggressive |
/nsb | not subtweeting |
/nsrs | not serious |
/nsx or /nx | nonsexual or not sexual intent |
/ny | not yelling |
/ot | off topic |
/p | platonic |
/pa | passive aggressive |
/para | paraphrase |
/pf | playful |
/pos or /pc | positive connotation |
/q | quote |
/qp | queerplatonic |
/r | romantic |
/rh or /rt | rhetorical question |
/s or /sarc | sarcastic / sarcastically |
/sbh | somebody here |
/sbtw | subtweeting |
/srs | serious |
/st or /state | statement (see also: /naq) |
/sx or /x | sexual intent |
/t | teasing |
/tan | tangent |
/th | threat |
/tic | tic, for when something typed out was unintentional due to being a tic |
/ts | to self |
/u | upset |
/unin | unintentional |
/unre | unrelated |
/vu | very upset |
/w | warm / warmth |